guys..how is everything ?
Pernah dengar istilah atau idiom2 yang
berkaitan dengan transportasi ? kali ini dr. share beberapa contohnya ya
1. Down the road : Sometime in the future
(suatu saat nanti (di masa depan)).
Contoh : "One day I will have a career as a
professional lawyer, but that's a long way down the road."
Take flight : To run away (melarikan
diri / kabur).
Contoh : "The pickpocket took flight when the
police came."
Traffic jam : (macet)
Contoh : we got stuck in a traffic jam for nearly an hour and missed our plane.
4. Top flight
: To be at the highest level in a job or sport.
(berada pada level
tertinggi untuk suatu pekerjaan atau di olahraga)
Contoh :
"David Beckham is a top flight
Hit and run : This idiom
describes a road accident in which the driver who caused the accident drives
away without helping the other people involved and without telling the police (idiom ini
untuk kecelakaan di jalan dimana pengendara yang menyebabkan kecelakaan
tersebut langsung kabur tanpa membantu korban ataupun menelepon polisi, kalau
istilah bahasa indonesianya tabrak lari, guys).
Contoh : “The police
are hunting a hit and run driver.".
Drive someone
round the bend : To make someone very bored or very angry. (membuat
seseorang menjadi sangat bosan atau sangat marah)
Contoh : "The children have been driving me
round the bend all day."
To be in the
same boat : To be in the
same situation (usually unpleasant) as other people (berada pada
situasi yang sama dengan orang lain (biasanya yang kurang menyenangkan)).
Contoh: She's always complaining that she has too
much work, but we're all in the same boat.
One track mind
: A tendency to think about only one subject (kecenderungan untuk
berfikir tentng satu topik saja)
Contoh : He only ever thinks about girls, he has a
one track mind.
Ok..guyss, itu
dulu..silahkan coba diterapkan di kalimat ya...see you.
Dr_Paskah@Klinik Inggris RR