Apa aja program yang ada di KLINIK INGGRIS Pekanbaru?

Private Online
(1 Tutor1 Siswa)

✓ Pilihan jadwal dari Senin s.d. Jum'at
✓ Bisa untuk pemula maupun non pemula
✓ Materi disesuaikan dengan kemampuan peserta
Private Weekend Online
(1 Tutor 1 Siswa)

✓ Hanya belajar di hari Sabtu & Minggu
✓ Bisa untuk pemula maupun non pemula
✓ Materi disesuaikan dengan kemampuan peserta
Private TOEFL Online
(1 Tutor 1 Siswa)

✓ Melatih kamu agar berhasil dalam tes TOEFL
✓ Khusus non pemula (sudah bisa berbahasa Inggris)
✓ Full berbahasa Inggris setiap pertemuan
✓ Materi disesuaikan dengan kemampuan peserta

Post Terbaru

Pipin Kurnia, 35 tahun, dosen di Universitas Riau Pekanbaru.

The learning method is relly good for me because every meeting I always get english conversation with others especlly with my teacher mister Hamid. And this way help me to listen the english language very well. And now when I see some conversation an internet I can understand. The teacher in gere really  frendly and kiding I really love to make relation shop with other and I can speak english everyday. yeay.... I am so happy.
My english really improvement because now I know to speak and write english better. I get some trick from mister Hamid and the tick really help me. A few weeks ago I really convidance to get conversation with foreigner.