1. Don't step in the grass. (X)
Keep off the grass. (✓)
(Jangan menginjak rumput).
2. Would you like to drink? (X)
Would you like something to drink? (✓)
(Anda mau minum?)
3. He can't read and write. (X)
He can't read or write. (✓)
(Dia tidak bisa membaca atau menulis).
4. I get my salary twice a month. (X)
I get paid twice a month. (✓)
(Saya dibayar dua kali sebulan).
5. You will have a cold if you don't wear jacket. (X)
You will catch a cold if you don't wear jacket. (✓)
(Kamu akan masuk angin kalau kamu tidak pakai jaket).
6. I forget my phone in the house. (X)
I left my phone in the house. (✓)
(Saya meninggalkan hp saya di rumah).
7. Do you have any pencil? Yes, I have it. (X)
Do you have a pencil? Yes, I have one. (✓)
(Apakah kamu punya pensil? Ya, saya punya).
8. This is the way how I made it. (X)
This is how I made it. (✓)
(Ini bagaimana saya membuatnya).
9. I and my friends went to concert. (X)
My friends and I went to concert. (✓)
(Saya dan teman-teman saya pergi ke konser).
10. I have a good news for you. (X)
I have good news for you. (✓)
(Saya punya kabar gembira untukmu).
Semoga bermanfaat ya guys. Practice terus yah and stay positive. Bye for now and I'm off. Have a wonderful day.
Dokter Yessi