Hello guys, with me again with vocabulary tips.
Yup, Dokter akan memberikan beberapa idiom America yang sering dipakai sama bule.
Here we go, guys!
1. A peach = sweet and helpful
You are a peach
(Kamu Manis dan suka menolong).
2. Full of bean = just
My dad was full of bean when he was alive.
(Ayahku sangat kuat waktu dia masih hidup).
3. Not my cup of tea = bukan urusan saya
It's not my cup of tea. I'm tired of it.
(Ini bukan urusanku aku bosan dengan itu).
4. In a pickle = dilema
She was in a pickle after her husband passed away.
(Dia dilema setelah suaminya meninggal).
5. In a stew = kecewa/bingung
I'm in a stew because of this situation.
(Saya binging Karena situasi ini).
6. The top banana = ketua
One of my old friend becomes the top of banana now.
(Salah seorang teman lama saya menjadi ketua sekarang).
Yups, that's all guys. Kunci Bahasa Inggris: practice, practice and practice. So, semangat praktek Englishnya ya guys. Bye for now and have a good day.
Dokter Yessi